Workers' International Industrial Union - Houston, Texas -

Who Can Join The WIIU?

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Who Can Join The WIIU?
What is Revolutionary Industrial Unionism?

Guidelines for Joining the WIIU

If you work for a living, whether it be manual labor or cerebral labor, entertainment or education, any job where you work for wages, whether they be hourly or a salary, you are eligible for membership in the WIIU.

Even if you are already a member of a trade union at your job, you are still welcome to join the WIIU. If there is no union at your job, you are still eligible for membership.

There are those who should not join, namely people who employ workers in order to gain a profit (probably wouldn't be interested anyway), independent producers whose sole income is from what they alone produce (unless its just to earn extra income besides your regular job, thats okay), bosses or management, people who hold any kind of supervisory position over workers.

Unemployed workers are welcome to join also. Disabled and handicapped workers are also welcome. The same goes for retirees, just because your working days may be over doesn't mean you have to give up the comradeship and solidarity of being in a union for all workers.

The only additional requirements are that you agree to abide by the WIIU Constitution and you also agree to learn the WIIU's Principles and purposes. You can learn those by reading this site and also our main site at

In short, if you want to join a true working class organization and you believe that the present system only works for those in the top 5% who control the majority of the wealth that WE produce and that needs to be changed then you belong in the WIIU.

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